Ten Town first contacted us in 2012 with a view to us working with them on their learning activities and future development strategy. At first this saw us continue to produce Flash activities supporting the character based numeracy strategy already in place.
Over the following year, whilst we carried on creating activities for the 0-10 number based series, we also worked with the team at Ten Town on their future strategy for delivering a 10-20 series aimed to support the mobile tablet devices taking hold in schools. This lead us to a decision to produce all content for the 10-20 series using HTML5 including embedded HTML5 video.
Working on the Ten Town activities has been a brilliant experience for us as some of the techniques for seamlessly integrating video and a heavy reliance on story based content has been challenging and rewarding. Several of our team have young families, so testing has been fun and informative, and we truly believe in the product.
Development continues on the Ten Town activities, and we now also are the developers for the Ten Town website including all e-commerce integration. We have conversion of the original Flash activities in the pipeline and hope to work with Ten Town for many years to come.
Creation of a fun and engaging mobile application (iOS and Android) for iTunes best selling artist and inspiring children's entertainer, Mr Yipadee.